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International Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Where Do the Descending Aorta and the Abdominal Aorta Run in Cases of the Right Aortic Arch is a Riddle of Esophagography. Report on two instances
Sugiura Y

Department of General Medicine, Shonan Keiiku Hospital, 4360 Endo Fujisawa 252-0816, Kanagawa, Japan

Correspondence to Author: Sugiura Y

Background: At 0.03–0.04% of the n Case W, the right rc arch, an uncommon aberration of the aorta, is observed. Between 2012 and 2016, we examined 4,000 examinees' upper rnn series, and we found two incidences of the right rc arch on esophageal imaging. We looked at 4,000 examinees' upper rnnn series between 2012 and 2016 and found two occurrences of the right rc arch on esophagography.


In Japan, a health check that was primarily for business people has long been the norm. It is referred to as "human dock" as if a large ship that is periodically under investigation must spend the night in a dry dock for a body check. The department of rvnv medicine at Sanno Medical Center and Chemotherapy /n Kaken Hospital accepts 20,000 medical examinees a year, of which one third have upper rvnv series (UGIS) for a rvnv check. Between 2012 and 2016, the r author examined UGIS for 4,000 examinees, omitting repeaters, and discovered 2 occurrences of the right rc arch (RAA) on barium esophageal angiography. At 0.03–0.04% of the n [1], RAA is observed. The upper thoracic vertebrae and upper thoracic oesophagus are close by, although the RAA runs across in between.

Case 1:

Barium esophagography in a Japanese patient the upper thoracic spine of the female displayed a large anterior bow. without any signs of a swallowing disorder, the oesophagus was at the There was a tiny bump in the middle of it that faced the spine.There is a significant anterior bending above the hump as a result of the RAA. There should be an anterior bending below the hump is said to be the descending aorta that originates from the right the thoracic vertebrae from side to side. the less The thoracic oesophagus never was This incident occurred to do an abdominal ultrasound . axial perspective at the and upper side of the abdominal aorta the lumbar spine

Case 2:

A Japanese man's barium esophagography revealed an anterior bowing of the lower thoracic oesophagus and an anterior bowing of the upper thoracic oesophagus at the same time. He showed no signs of a swallowing disorder. The RAA seems to be the cause of the "r" bending. The descending aorta flowing from the right side to the left side may be the cause of the second bowing. He was a healthy examinee, thus neither a computed tomography nor an ultrasound were performed in this situation. Both chest scans were characteristic of RAA, with little evidence of situs inversus.

The lower thoracic oesophagus could not be seen in the esophagography, but the upper thoracic oesophagus at the RAA resembled our esophagography. Our instances specifically fall within the retroesophageal RC arch (REAA). The right or REAA was further divided, according to Philip et al. In contrast to the left REAA, which has a right ascending and right descending aorta, the right REAA has a retroesophageal section. Our two cases altered the REAA [6], which was the case in four out of eight cases. Finally, Sabiston and Spencer's surgery of the Chest [6] demonstrated the macroscopic perspective of RAA. On a case provided by Maxime [7], the magnetic resonance image of the aortography from the renal artery was displayed .

Both assist our anatomical diagnosis in order to solve the esophagography puzzle. In case 1, the abdominal aorta was visible on ultrasound and RAA rapidly reverted to the normal position. In example 2, the descending aorta returned to the above the diaphragm after travelling along the right side of the thoracic vertebrae. The nLJ is situated between the lumbar vertebrae and the lobe of the liver, and the descending aorta soon or later turns back toward the side of the spine. We stress that RAA never flows in the opposite direction of the aorta's typical course, but rather as a rqn mark.


Numerous RAA papers have already been published, but they have a strong topographic focus in which the branches of the arch are examined. Cardiovascular, pulmonary, and gastroenterological surgeons can utilise it clinically. Determining the endovascular treatment plan for Kommerell's vRCM, including nM tears of the cN, was helpful in each case [2]. The route of the recurrent laryngeal nerve must be taken into consideration by the surgeon while performing a lymphadenectomy in a patient with RAA and lung cancer [3]. Through video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, esophageal carcinoma with RAA was successfully removed [4]. RAA, the rc vrcm and the pulmonary artery ringed the trachea and oesophagus. On the paper, barium


As a result, we describe two cases of RAA that were discovered during the vn of UGIS. An anterior esophageal bending was visible on barium esophagography. In scenario 1, the descending aorta quickly switches from the right side of the vertebra to the left side of the vertebra and RAA flows at the upper bowing. While RAA still occurs in instance 1 in case 2, the descending aorta returns to the position above the diaphragm in case 2. It has been proposed that the aorta in RAA patients take the form of an r-q-n mark.


1. Right sided aorta Part 1: Right rc arch occurrence in various forms of congenital cardiac disease, Hastreiter AR, D'Cruz IA, Cantez T(1966) Br Heart Journal 28: 722–725

2. Hara M, Fujii T, Kawasaki M, Katayanagi T, Okuma S, and coworkers (2017) Kommerell's vRCM with a right-sided rC arch: endovascular therapy. 10th Ann Vasc Dis 10: 74–76.

3. Yoshimi F, Shida D, Asato Y, Amemiya R, Suzuki A, et al (2002) Putting the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the forefront for the right rc arch with lung cancer. 985–986 in Ann Thorac Surg 73.

4. Kubo N, Ohira M, Lee T, Sakurai K, Toyokawa T, et al. (2013) Successful removal of esophageal carcinoma with right roc arch using thoracoscopic video-assisted surgery: A case report. nƟcĂncĞr 33: 1635-1640.

5. Philip, Chen, Wu, Wang, and Lue (2001) Retroesophageal rc arch: nc and rc mcn of an uncommon vascular ring. 133–141 in Cardiology 79.

6.Emari S. (2010) Vascular rings, the aortic cuff, and the patent ductus arteriosus. 8th edition of Saunders Elsevier's Sabiston and Spencer's Surgery of the Chest, 1788.

7. Maxime SA (2012) Duplicated superior vena cava in the right rc arch. Available from: rrcr rcrcwcrrvncv


Sugiura Y. Where Do the Descending Aorta and the Abdominal Aorta Run in Cases of the Right Aortic Arch is a Riddle of Esophagography. Report on two instances. Insights of Clinical and Medical Images 2022.