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International Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports

An adult male with fertile testes has an anaplastic seminoma.
Tariq Ahmed

4Postgraduate, Surgery, ASCOMS & Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu (J&K), India

Correspondence to Author: Tariq Ahmed

All around constructed 48 years male patient wedded for most recent 22 years having four youngsters, three male and one female, utilized in government woodland office, introduced in the urology OPD on and off torment in the left lower midsection for recent days. Patient gave comparative history of intermittent episodes of colicky torment for last six months for which he has been taking some antispasmodics endorsed by neighborhood specialist. Patient gave history of seizures and has been on drugs for last three years. No set of experiences of obstructive entrail or urinary side effects or history reminiscent of renal diseases or stones.

On clinical assessment patient was fabricated, not iron deficient and on stomach palpation an intra stomach mass estimating 3 cms X 3.5 cms was discernible in the left iliac fossa, non-versatile, non-delicate with all edgesall around delineated, non-pulsatile without any changes.Assessment of outside genitalia uncovered right testicles typical in shape and size with left scrotum not great created and void (fig 1). Other than schedule examinations which were accounted for ordinary, ultrasound uncovered left iliac fossa mass 3cms X 3cms with nonvisualization of left testicles in the scrotum or inguinal locale. Enhanched CT check uncovered left iliac fossa mass with neighborhood lymph hub contribution, potentially testicular mass from left undescended testicles.

Patient was exposed to exploratorylaparotomy and a strong lobulated retroperitoneal mass disciple to the peritoneum with a solitary lymph hub in adjoining region with short spermatic rope was taken note. In the wake of ligating the string vessels and liberating the mass alongside lymph hub was extracted and example was send for histopathological assessment which was announced as anaplastic Seminoma (figure 2). Patient was encouraged to answer to Clinical Oncology and radiotherapy division for post operation the executives. Patient was consistently going to Urology OPD for a long time later which he lost to follow up in our emergency clinic.


Cyptorchidism results from unusual development what's more, drop of testicles.Roughly at about two months of gestational age, leydig cells start to discharge testosterone. Testicles remain retroperitoneal all through their plunge, yet are personally follower with back mass of cycles vaginalis [1,2]. Cryptorchidism is present in roughly 6% of full term children and roughly 0.8% of babies at one year old enough [3-4].It tends to be two-sided in 10% of patients and its affiliation with other urinary parcel irregularities. It is believed to be one of the appearances of summed up imperfection in genitourinary embryogenesis; other affiliation distortion incorporates renal agenesis, or renal ectopias,fundamental vesicle agenesis or pimples and hypospadias [5] what's more, high gamble for testicular carcinoma. Roughly 3.5%-14.5% of undescended testicles have the gamble of creating testicular cancer and pathophysiology of harmful change isn't totally perceived, yet, it is accepted because of deformity in embryogenesis that results in dysgenetic balls. It has been proposed that evaluating for carcinoma in situ ought to be proposed to all men with history of maldescended testicles.


1. Giwercman A, Grindsted J, Hansen B, Jensen OM, Skakkebaek NE; Testicular cancer risk in boys with maldescended testes : A cohort study. J. urol, 1987;138(5):1214-1216.

2. Krabbe S, Skakkebaek NE, Berthelsen JG, Eyben FV, Volsted P, Mauritzen K, Eldrup J,Nielsen AH; High incidence of undetected neoplasia in maldescended testes. Lancet, 1979;1(8124):999-1000.

3. Waxman M; Malignant germ cell tumor in situ in a cryptorchid testis. Cancer; 1976;38(3):1452-1456.

4. Lee JK , McLennan BL, Stanley RJ, Sagel SS; Utility of computed tomography in localization of undescended testes. Radiology, 1980;135(1): 121-125.

5. Lenz S, Giwercman A, Skakkebaek NE, BruunE, Frimodt-Møller C; Ultrasound in detection of early neoplasia of the testes. Int J Androl, 1987;10(1):187-190.


Tariq Ahmed. An instance of widespread Talaromyces marneffei in a patient with healthy immunit . Insights of Clinical and Medical Images 2022.