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International Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports

A Diagnostic Challenge for Pancreatic Neoplasms
Patnaik S

Department of Radiology, Nizam’s of Medical Sciences,Hyderabad, India

Correspondence to Author: Patnaik S

Context: Imaging of the pancreas can be difficult, however quick CT scans have greatly improved accuracy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the precision of MDCT in the diagnosis of ncc masses and to compare imaging results with histological findings. Materials and techniques The Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad conducted this cv study on n from December 2016 to April 2018. A total of 35 cases of primary ncc masses in cncv with histological proof were examined.

Results: The participants ranged in age from 18 to 83 years, including 17 men and 18 women. The maximum was between the fourth and sixth decade. Adenocarcinoma was identified by histopathology in 24 cases (68%), solid pseudopapillary epithelial neoplasm (SPEN) 3 cases (8.5%), neuroendocrine tumours (NET) 3 cases (8.5%), serous cyst adenoma 2 cases (5.7%), mucinous cyst adenoma 1 cases (2.8%), intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) 1 cases ( There were 5 instances where the pathological diagnosis and the radiological diagnostic were inconsistent. In our series, NET and cyc neoplasm are ductal adenocarcinoma mimics. CT had an overall nc accuracy of 85%.

conclusion:The most frequent type of cancer is wncc ductal adenocarcinoma, which is followed by NET and cyc neoplasms. GIST can also happen, despite being incredibly uncommon. The CT has an overall accuracy of 85%. Early diagnosis is important since each form of tumour has an acceptable prognosis and feasibility.


Wncc cancer accounts for 4.5% of all cancer-related fatalities worldwide in 2018 and is the seventh most prevalent primary cause of cancer mortality in industrialised nations. It ranks third among the cancer-related causes of death in the US [1]. The neoplasms are classified as exocrine and endocrine tumours based on ncn. Ductal adenocarcinoma (99%), cyc neoplasms, and intra-ductal papillary mucinous neoplasms are examples of exocrine malignancies. Islet cells serve as the origin of endocrine cancers. Currently, it is believed that ductal epithelium contains pluripotent stem cells, which give birth to these malignancies [2]. These tumours can either be syndromic or non-syndromic. The third category of cancers consists of pancreatic neuronal tumours and mesenchymal tumours originating from cnncv arteries. The imaging of the pancreas is difficult, yet fast imaging is possible.of CT has greatly improved the nc accuracy. Large volumes of coverage, mnncncn, and curved planner cncn have all contributed to better tumour detection and staging in recent years. A CT scan has a nvy and ccy of 89% and 90%, respectively [3].

Aims and scope:

to evaluate the precision of MDCT in the diagnosis of ncc masses and to assess the relationship between imaging findings and histological findings.

Methods and Meterials:

This CV study took place between December 2016 and April 2018. A total of 35 cases of primary ncc masses in cncv with histological proof were examined. Prior written consent was obtained from the n and their n after they had been informed of the study's protocol. Patients who had a clinical suspicion of having a ncc tumour or who had a sonological diagnosis of one had CT scans utilising a 16 slice multidetector CT. All cases had a triple phase CT with oral and intravenous contrast studies.CT scans were examined to identify the ncc mass as well as to find it. Images were examined for site, size, augmentation, local spread (including vascular invasion), and dissemination over great distances. The morphology of the remaining pancreatic, ductal, and other abdominal organs was also assessed. Finally, histological diagnosis and radiological diagnostic were compared.


35 HPE-proven ncc cancers in total were examined. There were 17 men and 18 women, ranging in age from 18 to 83. Most people (n=20) lived in the fourth to sixth decade, followed by the second to fourth and more than sixth decades (n=7). Only one case (Solid Pseudopapillary Epithelial Neoplasm) involved an 18-year-old female. Histo-pathological diagnosis and radiological diagnostic were connected. Adenocarcinoma in 24 (68%) cases, SPEN-3 (8.5%), NET-3 (8.5%), serous cystadenoma-2 (5.7%), mucinous cystadenoma-1 (2.8%), IPMN 1 (2.8%), and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) 1 (2.8%) were among the n HPE diagnoses. In four instances, the pathological diagnosis did not match the radiological diagnostic. In our series, NET and cyc neoplasm are ductal adenocarcinoma mimics. CT had an overall nc accuracy of 85%.


The WHO 2010 classification of neoplasms states that epithelial tumours comprise benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions, while NET includes syndromic and non-syndromic neoplasms as well as other neoplasms. 90% of all non-small cell carcinoma neoplasms are ductal adenocarcinomas. The majority of n are both male and female, over 60, and prevalent. They are found in 62% of the ncc head, 26% of the body, and 8% of the tail [4]. The tumours are extremely invasive, the earliest imaging to reveal them is ductal, and 60% of them might not even have a visible mass. Double duct signs are strongly indicative with head cancer[4]. These tumours appear iso/hypo to the rest of the enhancing parenchyma on CECT and are hypodense on plain scan.Adenocarcinomas make up around 71% of our series, mostly in the head (61%). On both the CT and HPE, all 24 cases of ductal adenocarcinomas were correctly diagnosed. Three examples that were first diagnosed as adenocarcinomas but ended up being NET (2) and mucinous neoplasm (1) instead. High grade NET, SPEN, Focal autoimmune nc, and Groove nc are significant mimics of ductal adenocarcinoma, according to Kim et al. [6].

Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET):

NET originate from the endocrine portion of the pancreas and make up 1-5% of ncc neoplasms [7]. Currently, it is believed that ductal epithelium contains pluripotent stem cells, which give birth to these malignancies [2]. It primarily affects males over 50. These tumours are mostly sporadic but may be connected to or a part of MEN1, VHL, or NF1. While ncn tumours are small (less than 3 cm), ncn symptoms are present with ncn tumours, which are larger and have mass c. Islet tumours are typically hyper-enhancing. These lesions may be within the gland or xyc Cccy, but they lack the characteristics of ductal adenocarcinoma and ncc ductal n is uncommon.

NET lesions do not exhibit necrosis, whereas bigger lesions have zones of necrosis. One of these lesions is peripheral arterial phase enhancement. One of the three exhibited typical CT characteristics and good HPE correlation. On CT, two cases of NET were incorrectly identified as adenocarcinomas.

In one of those two cases, ductal adenocarcinoma was considered as a possible diagnosis because of IHBRD and ductal n. According to Kim et al., high grade NETs, small SPT,metastasis, groove nc may resemble ncc ductal the adenocarcinoma [6]. They might be suffering from PD as it is with us ). Due to minor improvemts, One of our cases had an incorrect cancer diagnosis. 4. However, cv analysis revealed that there were no ductal should have signalled to us the proper diagnosis. a lack of of PD, tumour thrombus, and liver hypervascularity Metastasis can help in NET diagnosis. One instance when without ductal enhancement, displayed spectacular enhancement on CT and grew. On CT, it was believed to be NET.

Neoplasms, LJc Wcc:

Serious cyst tumour Only 1% of cancerous tumours are cytoplasmic neoplasms [8]. They are extremely rare. The tumours in a serous cystadenoma are known as mcmccyc tumours. These cancers affect females in their seventh decade. Thus, it is referred to as a grandma tumour [8]. Despite being "typical" for ladies, it can also happen to men. The typical appearance of a McCy's adenoma is a huge, hypodense mass made up of numerous tiny cysts, each measuring less than 2 cm.Due to the high vascularity, the thin, densely enhancing tissue has the appearance of honeycomb. Frequently, the supplying vessels are enlarged. Central hyperdense scar with cccn is another crucial characteristic [9]. These tumours, which could be rather enormous, might be replacing parenchyma. The tumour markers fall within the acceptable range.

Uni or multilocular cysts measuring more than 2 cm are the distinguishing feature of mccyc tumours, which are usually benign and frequently affect women over the age of 50.

Mucinous neoplasms:

It is possible to distinguish them from mucinous cytoplasmic neoplasms. The lobulated contour, lack of septal enhancement, and cn in the ncc head are all indicators of a serous cyst adenoma. Both of our series' ns had identical imaging ns and ns with the same age. Hence, diagnosis using CT and HPE Mucinous tumours

Cyc neoplasms that are mucinous are frequently found in middle-aged women. Hence, they are not cancerous and are known as mother tumours. Although the majority of them are ymmc, they occasionally exhibit nncc abdominal symptoms. They typically develop in the body and tail of the pancreas as a single or multiple cyst with a rounded or lobulated shape. In 16% of patients, these lesions are substantial and have peripheral cccn [10]. Mucinous cystic neoplasms typically have solid mural nodules and M-enhancing lesions on radiographs. Peripheral cccn is a crucial characteristic that distinguishes the serous cyst adenoma that is present in the centre. Cmmncn ncc duct and cyc neoplasm are occasionally found. Mucinous cystic neoplasms range from benign to malignant, however malignancy is rarely excluded by cnn.possible based just on imaging. Elevated CEA may be present in a cyst. According to studies, having a thick wall that is greater than 2 mm is 95% more likely to cause cancer [11]. the lone instance of mucinous cyst adenoma had a v diagnostic of ductal adenocarcinoma, and that in a second instance, the v diagnosis of mucinous cyst adenoma had been altered to SPEN on HPE .

In the body of the pancreas and coeliac axis of a 53-year-old woman, there was a sizable marginally enhancing hypodense mass with ccc foci that was suspected to be an adenocarcinoma and HPE Mucinous Neoplasm. We initially diagnosed a 45-year-old female with a wn slightly enhancing mass and small mural nodule in the tail of the pancreas as a mucinous neoplasm, but it turned out to be SPEN. Age, location, and a big cyc appearance encouraged the growth of mucinous tumours ). According to a study by Jonson et al., 50% of mucinous cystadenocarcinomas and 47% of serous lesions were classified as atypical based on CT scans [12]. In a more recent case series from the same cohort, 10 of 18 primary cyc neoplasms were classified as unusual based on imaging findings [13].

pseudopapillary tumour that is solid:

These are infrequent, low-grade neoplasms that tend to affect young, female adults in their second decade (daughter tumor). Internal bleeding caused by weak vessels is caused by cccn cyc alterations [14]. They manifest as a sizable mixed solid cystic lesion and most frequently develop in the head or tail of the pancreas. They typically have bleeding and a more solid enhancing component towards the periphery, and they are well-encapsulated. Contrast also improves the capsule. Peripheral cccn and F level are also visible. Biliary or PD-n is not prevalent. The lesions are not very malignant. Surgery is still recommended even if metastases or vascular invasions are found in SPEN. Therefore, early "cnn" is "n." Two SPEN cases presented the normal symptoms, and the third case was identified as mucinous.

ERCP frequently reveals mucus from a dilated MPD and a bulging papilla. In a study by Kim and colleagues Solid component, solid component and solid component and CBD Malignancy was predicted by atrophy [16]. Stromal Tumor (GIST) In GIT, from the oesophagus to the anus, GIST can develop. Additionally implicated are the omentum, mesentery, or retroperitoneum. Prostate and gall bladder involvement is quite rare. The pancreas's GIST is

highly unusual. In the literature, only 7 examples are mentioned [17]. Literature reports that malignancies have appeared in females of 38-70 years. The majority of the large v'n range in size from 2 to 20 cms. happening in the pancreas head. EGIST may manifest as ncc cysts with haemorrhage. usually have a sizable extremely increasing mass necrosis has caused it to be heterogenous either a haemorrhage or a cyst.


The most frequent cancer is wncc ductal adenocarcinoma, which is followed by NET and cyc neoplasms. GIST can also happen, despite being incredibly uncommon. CT is accurate to n/c of 85%. Given that cn's feasibility and n's prognosis,Early detection of each form of tumour is essential.


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Patnaik S. A Diagnostic Challenge for Pancreatic Neoplasms. Insights of Clinical and Medical Images 2022.